
Dr. Joseph C. Hoffman

Dr. Joseph C. Hoffman was honored in 2013.  Dr. Joseph C. Hoffman is a State University Distinguished Teaching Professor and previously served as Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at SUNY Maritime College. Dr. Hoffman has also served as the Associate Provost, Science Department Chair, Dean of Freshmen Programs and Presiding Officer of the Faculty. Dr. Hoffman graduated from SUNY Maritime with a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and computer science from SUNY Maritime College in 1975. He went on to earn a master’s degree in mathematics from Adelphi University in 1977, and he received his doctorate in education from LaSalle University in 1998. In the 36 or so years Dr. Hoffman has been associated with the school he has touched many cadets with his leadership and teaching.

OBMG honored him for all his years of service to the school and the Cultural Club members. We named the Leadership and Excellence in Education Award in his honor.